2 : les deux

one must understand

you must understand

the earth makes

whether or not

you translate

an answer

the irritation in the throat

a signal

so what if it is of comfort?

to speak on speaking

as wind is ever there

stillness & blue

across the surface 
of a hand

to shed

is both chance & a color

a paper airplne

an edge

to step over &


the real


very the astonishment

shown silver


thinking body



the swirl & blur of many

no accident


ready to speak

another endless


a wound

not tended

sweat into the

always new


to wrestle some format


for a teacher


water time

is coming
is at hand

great growth


such dream

of potentiality


[before distillation & while in moss of forest, not twins but a treatise on making:

Very next is the astonishment. One must understand riches simultaneous with horror. A bird shown silver in moonlight, children calling & laughing across distance. What you must understand is no end. Sit quiet alongside the many shapes the earth makes w/o thinking, the communication of leaf & wind & sun, a deer in the forest, whether or not in body. Now, disorient your mind & translate:

Upper shelf of sky a song soft windowsill of time. In the swirl & blur of all is an answer one & many -- allow. The irritation in the throat is no accident — a signal greater ready to speak. So what if it is of comfort? All has their way of attaching one page to another & the book is endless. To speak on speaking is nothing to scoff at — a wound becomes again  injury if not tended. The message is do not let familiarity sweat into non-distinction — as wind is ever there & always new. Time allows space for a human to wrestle a mind into some other format. Stillness & blue. Look into the eyes of anything & understand. Look behind you for a teacher, for what ever has been gone through at the back — trails are cellular — the river that might form across the surface of a hand if water were allowed to be delicate for a time. Be in attention to all cresting, all falling. Asorting is coming, is at hand & in hand. To shed off what is no longer will like throwing a frisbee. For it is true that much great growth is both chance & joy. Leave a color in field of grass for another. Wander & go. This is the very best one can do. 

A paper airplane before ever a human into the sky. Remember even in such saturation, such a dream is ever possible, ever near, an edge of potentiality to step over & make into the real.


01 May 2024

1 : now is entry


extension of voice


the task now

to know

is greater help


of future



this attention


new water


[the sense was, overarchingly, one of non-censorship:
Walk through archway into presentfuture & be here fully no thinking of expectations external or otherwise. A calendar of tending & clarity that this attention will lend itself to greater help, greater cellular function for all who surround. Each extension of voice is important; you must understand. A pressing in of what is meant to be let forward only creates ill health & a delay of the future. There will always be much to lose & much lost. The task now is to live & understand that through the greatest expression of living, more clear air is created for others to breathe. Do not be silent only to make up one small place to fear. Specificity will ease you & the tunnel will be filled again with color.




05 April 2024