grief + death support

My approach to death and grief care combines my own lived experience of death and loss with formal training as an intuitive worker and end-of-life doula. I offer somatic, spiritual, and practical support before and during transition, as well as after care for loved ones, and grief work for individuals and groups.

Work with the dying can include facilitation of legacy projects, vigil planning & ritual creation, somatic/intuitive work, mediation with loved ones, and assistance with transition, among other possibilities.

As with death care, grief support takes as many forms as their are individuals. Rooted in somatic and intuitive approaches, likely elements of this work include ritual, mediumship, attention with & beyond the physical body, and creative processing. 

In addition to work with humans, I offer grief and end-of-life support for animals and their families. 

We the Lake is a communal text and grief offering.