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Experimental conversations on loss, death, healing, and grief facilitated by CL Young.

1 / Loss, Being a Therapist, & Intergenerational Grief w/ Ann O’Leary Young

A conversation with Ann O’Leary Young, M.S.W., LCSW, my mother, on the early deaths of her father & brother, how grief passes through families, and being a therapist.

2 / Writing, Detachment, & Ritual w/ Rushi Vyas

Poet Rushi Vyas on writing after sudden & unexpected loss, the wisdom of detachment, and ritual as a tool for healing & decolonization.

3 / Boise, Friendship Loss, & Time w/ Tyler Brewington

Poet Tyler Brewington on place, grief rhythms, the comfort of geologic time, and the link between friendship & formation of self.

4 / Bridge + Practice

Reexamining episodes 1 -3 + somatic practice.

5 / Newborn Loss, Place, & Deep Grief w/ Cedar Brant

Poet & botanist Cedar Brant on newborn loss, the role of place in healing, and erasure of self in deep grief and parenthood.

6 / Adoption, Potentiality, & the Loss of Unknowing w/ Erinrose Mager

Writer, editor, & teacher Erinrose Mager on the unknowingness associated with adoption and parental estrangement, the interplay between potentiality & failure, and ritual as a presencing force.

7 / Ambient Loss, Having Children, & the Necessity of Storytelling w/ Camille T. Dungy

Writer & professor Camille T. Dungy on loss as a continuous presence, cross-generational relationships, and climate crisis.

8 / Relationality, Embodiment, & Suicide w/ Mairead Case

Writer, teacher, & editor Mairead Case explores relationality in life & after death, embodiment, and grieving & writing about suicide.