I believe spaces are similar to bodies — that attention turned toward them can facilitate a more balanced somatic experience — and I approach spaces in the same way that I do individuals: by asking how to pull forward ease, connection, and renewal from what is already there.

Our work together often begins with a physical cleaning out of a space and determination of its ideal function, followed by changes, additions, and subtractions to support that purpose. Spaces work can take on non-material forms, such clearing a new apartment before move-in, doing a closing ritual for a home being sold; or act as an accompaniment to death/grief processes.

The format and frequency of spaces work varies by client. We might work together once for a few hours to do a seasonal refresh of a single room. Or, an entire home might be approached over the course of several months through a series of weekly sessions.

Spaces work is regularly available in Boise and the Wood River Valley, with occasional offerings in other locations. Please follow the link below to schedule a free initial phone consultation, where we will establish a general timeline, budget, and approach for your project.

Sliding scale: $45 - $95/hour
day & project-based rates available