creative facilitation

Creative facilitation is an extension & adaptation of TUNING


In 1:1 creative facilitation, we work together to find approaches to making and engagement that stem from somatic and intuitive awareness with the hope of cultivating integrated creative and personal practices. A session might include a combination of customized prompts and generative exercises, facilitation of project development, attention/intuitive practice, deep listening with and beyond the physical body, collaborative critique, &/or reimagination of the physical space you create from. My approach is highly individualized and co-creative, and the lens of creative facilitation can be applied well beyond the “creative sector” to support career clarity, personal development, and healing work; I enjoy working with individuals in all modalities and at any stage of growth to support accountability, integrity, purpose, and longevity in creative & vocational practice. 


Group facilitation provides a unique pathway to collective listening, community-making, & creative practice through deep attention, generative approaches, and shared curiosity. A custom group session or sequence of sessions can bring insight, clarity, & renewal to collaborative environments, assist groups in building shared frameworks & creative approaches, support organizational evolution, and grow interpersonal connection. As with 1:1 creative facilitation, custom group work can fit into a variety of contexts; I have facilitated sessions for a dance company, a group of friends celebrating a birthday, and a college class, to name a few.